Saturday, February 23, 2008

Brittish DNA database plans scrapped

The idea of starting a compulsory national database of DNA profiles was deemed "unpractical and morally questionable" by the home office.
Now, only people who are detained for a criminal act have their DNA sampled and submitted to the current database, even when no charges are pressed.

This is great news! It's a dangerous slope to go down to, getting the DNA of evry individual citizen. It would also take a very long time indeed. Getting somebodies (1 person) dna (through the Polymerase Chain Reaction and tandem pair recognition method) into a database takes only a couple of hourse, and a good 15 minutes of a labworkers time.

At a relaxed pace a phorensic DNA lab could run about three tests per PCR/TPR machine per day, without cutting much into the time of labworkers. DNA samples provided by the police, taken from arrested criminals would be given priority of course. let's say 6 tests * 5 days a week * 51 weeks a year = 1530 tests per lab per year.
Even if the government called up on the civillian "market" for DNA analysis, limited itself to just the demographics most prone to criminal behavior, it would take an extremely long time.

This can be worked around though; working in a continuous fashion, taking the DNA from people at (say) age 12, maybe even outsourcing the majority of the work to India or China, they could have a sizeable Database withing aproximately ten years, much faster if a lot of money is trown at it.

So make no mistake, it could be done. I like to believe that the Brittish government still cares a bit about steering away from Orwells predictions, maybe they just being cheap :p

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